Friday, August 19, 2011

I took two days off from ripped in 30 because my body was SORE! I still ran though ;) Tonight I was feeling tired and I was going to get into bed, but I decided to do the ripped in 30 video...and I didn't regret it one bit! I feel good (although sweaty!) and so glad I did it! I know I will never regret working out, but I WILL regret not doing it. It's about 1am, time for a quick shower and then to get some zzz's before Jack wakes up for his next feeding!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ripped in 30.

Ripped in 30 is a body killer. I have been so so sore all day, which is NOT easy when you have a newborn that needs you! They reccomend doing in 5-6 times a week for optimum results...well I think today will be the day I take off to give my body some rest. I'm really excited to start seeing results though.

Along with the workout, a meal plan is suggested and I'm going to loosely follow it. I have a pretty good handle on what is and isn't healthy and how much to eat.

Here is day one of the meal plan(monday):

breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs, and 100% whole wheat toast. (I didn't use any salt, butter, or EVOO...just a dash of pepper on the eggs.)

snack: whole wheat multi-grain crackers and hummus.

Lunch: all fruit smoothie

snack: carnation instant breakfast and string cheese.

dinner: Portabello mushroom sandwhich on whole wheat bread.

snack: baby carrots and grapes

I need to add some extra food to make sure I'm getting at least 1800 calories a day, because along with me exercising my body is burning about 300 calories to make milk!

Monday, August 15, 2011

from pregnant to thin....

They say you don't know how much you care about something until it's gone and that is so true! Before getting pregnant with my beautiful baby boy, I was sooooo skinny! And the sad thing is that I didn't appreciate my thin body until now. I went from a size 0 to a size 9 (granted I DID just have a baby.) I started out at 112lbs pre-pregnancy and I'm currently between 120-125. I know that doesn't sound bad at all, but I'm short and all of my excess weight is compact into a small area ;)

I started this blog to track my progress and keep myself accountable to working out and eating healthy once again. Not only that, but I want to teach Jack to live a healthy life from the get-go.

My goal is to lose 20-25 lbs by next summer. My workout routine starting out will be this: running 3 miles 3x a week (working up to 5 days a week eventually.) and doing the workout dvd "Ripped in 30 by Jillian Michaels". Those paired with a healthy diet (no, I'm not dieting, I just mean my daily diet.) I should definitely see the results I want by next June, if not sooner :)